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3D printing for movies

3D printing has become an essential tool for the film industry, allowing the creation of accessories, sets, and special effects with unmatched precision and speed.

We collaborate with film studios, directors, and special effects artists to bring their boldest ideas to life.

Whether you’re working on a feature film, a TV series, or a theatrical production, our 3D printing services offer the flexibility and creativity needed to create unique accessories and immersive sets.

Custom Accessory Creation

Print customized, realistic, and detailed film accessories in record time.

Whether for weapons, historical objects, or futuristic gadgets, our 3D printing solutions allow you to create accessories that captivate the imagination and enrich the visual experience.

Scenery and Set Elements

3D printing also enables the creation of complex scenery and set elements that add an immersive dimension to your productions.

Whether for indoor or outdoor sets, we help you design realistic and captivating environments.

Innovative Special Effects

3D printing is a powerful tool for creating practical special effects, offering a credible alternative to digital effects.

By creating physical models of fantastical or futuristic elements, you can enhance interaction between actors and set elements, making scenes more immersive and believable.

Why choose 3D printing for movies industry ?

Bring your film projects to life with our 3D printing solutions in Montreal.

Whether you need custom accessories, detailed sets, or innovative special effects, we’re here to help you turn your ideas into reality.

Contact us to discuss your needs in the film and special effects industry.

Example of 3D printing for movies