3D printing
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3D printing accessible to everyone
3D printing completely changes the way companies and inventors design and develop their products. Web 3D printing offers an online 3D printing service, accessible to individuals and businesses.
For businesses, regardless of your industry, 3D printing gives you endless possibilities to design, test, and produce your ideas.
For individuals, you can find many items on the internet for free download (Thingiverse, Pinshape).
With Web3Dprinting, you have the option to choose the 3D material, color, scale and finish of your object. Once you have uploaded your 3D file and your chosen preferences, you will get an real time estimate of the cost of printing.
Subsequently, your product will be printed and delivered within 24-48 hours (depending on the number of pieces, their sizes and finishes).
For people (individuals and companies) wishing to design a customized product, we offer a 3D design service where our designers will be able to help you realize all your projects.

The principle of 3D printing
3D printing does not work in a single way. There are several ways to print an object in 3D. On the form, the printing techniques are different, however, the principle remains the same: superimposing layers of materials.
The 3D printing techniques used can be classified into 3 groups: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Stereolithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).
The techniques we offer are FDM 3D printing and SLA 3D printing.
When printing, you will be able to choose:
• The color
• The material
• Precision (quality)
• Size
Example of 3D Printed Parts